About Our Research

PeopleSpeak is an online research platform that gives a voice to you, the consumer, on a range of topics. We welcome members to participate in specialized surveys and polls—and sometimes in-person group discussions or interviews—designed by our team of marketing research experts to help pinpoint and communicate trends and relevant insights. These insights help guide strategies for B2B and B2C organizations to create stronger connections with customers and improve their offerings.

How it works


Click the Join Now button above and we’ll email you a short questionnaire about your interests.


We’ll periodically send you invitations, and for each activity completed, you’ll be entered to win rewards.


We communicate the aggregated feedback to companies to create change in brands, products and services.


Q. Why did I receive an invitation to take a specific survey or participate in a discussion?
A. Based on your PeopleSpeak member profile, we thought it may be of interest to you.
Q. How will PeopleSpeak use the survey or discussion results?
A. To help provide direction to businesses for product or service development.
Q. Will anyone ever see my individual answers?
A. No. Your answers to a specific survey or discussion will remain confidential and grouped with other members who completed the activity.
Q. How will I be notified if my name is selected during a specific drawing?
A. You will be notified via email.
Q. If I decide to cancel my membership, how do I do that?
A. You can click on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the Contact Us page or send us a message.
Q. How do I contact you if I have questions or feedback?
A. Just click on the Contact Us page and send us a message.

We want to hear your voice. Join PeopleSpeak today.

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